Residential Roofing in New Zealand

Roofing your home

The choices in roofing require careful consideration, whether you are looking at a new roof or re-roofing an existing one. For guidance on re-roofing, follow the link here

RANZ members can advise and assist you with the selection of the type of roof best suited for your needs and environmental conditions. There is wide range of roofing systems and products available on the New Zealand market.


Choosing the right installer

It is prudent to be aware and assured that the tradespeople you are employing are competent and that they are members of a national trade organisation. Essential to the longevity of a roof system is quality product, competently installed by a roofing specialist.

Roofing is a specialist trade demanding greater knowledge and skills by those installing roofs, in order to keep up with change in architectural design, compliance, technology and the varied number of products and profiles now available in the marketplace. Make sure that you check to see that competent, trained installers are going to be used. If it is a new roof, ask whom the Licensed Building Practitioner (LBP) is that will be supervising and/or installing your roof. Don’t be afraid to ask for testimonials from previous customers either.

Use a specialist installation and maintenance company for all your roofing needs - Employ the expertise and services of a RANZ Member - click here to find a RANZ Member near you


Choosing the right roofing product

Location, type of building and environmental conditions dictate the type of roofing material best suited for your building. Use of the wrong product in coastal areas for example, could result in premature corrosion or breakdown of the roof system.

In the case of a re-roof, using an alternative product may require additional structural work. Aesthetic appearance, although important, comes second to the performance and durability of the roof.

Roofing products need to be compatible to all elements that comprise a complete roofing system.

Investigate your options carefully and the product warranties that go along with your product of choice. Consult our product supplier and installation company members for advice.


Benefits of using a RANZ member

  • RANZ members are specialist businesses in their field of roofing.
  • Choosing a RANZ member offers you an assurance that they are credible, professional, skilled and reliable.
  • All installation company members have been assessed to ensure their business background/conduct and workmanship standards meet the Association's membership criteria.
  • Members are accountable to the Association. They are obligated to adhere to their responsibilities of membership in accordance with the Association’s Rules, Code of Ethics and Complaint/Dispute Code of Conduct.
  • Access to the RANZ Complaint/Dispute Service. Contact the RANZ office for more information.